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El voto es el derecho más poderoso que tenemos.

Tu voz cuenta, no te quedes al margen.
La democracia no es un deporte para espectadores.
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¿Te has registrado?

Nuestraplataforma TurboVote facilita el registro desde su teléfono o computadora. Todo lo que necesita hacer es ingresar algunos datos personales (su nombre y dirección).

¿Cómo me registro para votar usando TurboVote?

Click 'Register'

then click get started, and fill out your information.

If you live in USC housing, use the “select a campus address” feature. Otherwise, fill out your mailing address. You will be redirected to the CA/your state’s SoS website to fill out the necessary registration forms. 

¿Puedo registrarme en línea?

Depends on your state. Some states offer a full online registration, while others require you to mail in your completed form with your details to the Secretary of State office. You can find out what your state requires using our TurboVote site.

¿Cómo voto en el campus?

If you registered to vote at your College address or anywhere in LA County, then you are eligible to vote on campus at Ground Zero on 2/28 through 3/3 from 7AM to 6PM pST for the March Primary. Information for the November General Election will be available in early Fall 2020.

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Suscríbase a nuestro boletín informativo a continuación, siga nuestras páginas de redes sociales en Instagram (@vote_sc) y Facebook (Vote SC) y consulte periódicamente para ver noticias, preguntas frecuentes, contenido de video y más.

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¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

Yes, you can! If you've never registered before, you can simply register using your local address (if you live on campus, you can use your dorm address). If you have previously registered using an out-of-state address, you can register in California as long as you update your registration with your home state as well. 

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

You should re-register or update your registration whenever you move or change mailing address (this includes moving between on-campus dorms or off-campus residences), change political affiliation, or change your name. 

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

No, it will not. 

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

No, you do not. However, certain primaries (depending on your state) may be open to only voters registered as party members are allowed to vote on the candidates that will proceed to the general election. 

Note: In the state of California, there is an option to register as an 'American Independent' which is a political party rather than registering as an 'Independent'. To register as an independent, simply check no party preference

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

The process and eligibility requirements differ significantly by state. can point you in the right direction.

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

This also depends on your state. Typically, you need to register between 6-8 weeks before election day in order to be eligible to vote, but some states (including California in 2020 at vote centers) will allow same-day voter registration. To find out what your state's deadline is, go to your Secretary of State's website. 

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

Voting is your chance to have a say in the direction of your community, state, and country elections. Primaries allow you to determine which candidates end up on the ballot in the general election.

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?

US Citizens over the age of 18 (and some who are 17, depending on the state) are eligible to vote in the state in which they claim residency.

¿Puedo registrarme en California como estudiante de otro estado?
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